Quixote daily SOAP notes are a powerful tool.Take your time and plan your categories and
pre-configured statements.Preconfigured
statements can be a partial sentence, a complete sentence, a partial paragraph,
a complete paragraph, etc.The daily
SOAP notes are customizable for each User.
Think about the statements your notes consist of that you write over and
over. Write them one more time in
Quixote as a preconfigured note.
Click the Admin Icon
Click the SOAP Notes button
User: Confirm
or select a different user from the drop down list.
Select S and click the Add button under Category to Add a Subjective Category
Select S, highlight a category, and click the Edit button to Edit a Subjective Category
Select S, highlight a category, and click the Delete button to Delete a Subjective Category
Select S and click the Add button under Note to Add a Subjective Note
Select S, highlight a Note, and click the Edit button to Edit a Subjective Note
Select S, highlight a Note, and click the Delete button to Delete a Subjective Note
Select O and click the Add button under Category to Add a Objective Category
Select O, highlight a category, and click the Edit button to Edit a Objective Category
Select O, highlight a category, and click the Delete button to Delete a Objective Category
Select O and click the Add button under Note to Add a Objective Note
Select O, highlight a Note, and click the Edit button to Edit a Objective Note
Select O, highlight a Note, and click the Delete button to Delete a Objective Note
Select A and click the Add button under Category to Add an Assessment Category
Select A, highlight a category, and click the Edit button to Edit an Assessment Category
Select A, highlight a category, and click the Delete button to Delete an Assessment Category
Select A and click the Add button under Note to Add an Assessment Note
Select A, highlight a Note, and click the Edit button to Edit an Assessment Note
Select A, highlight a Note, and click the Delete button to Delete an Assessment Note
Select P and click the Add button under Category to Add a Plan/Prognosis Category
Select P, highlight a category, and click the Edit button to Edit a Plan/Prognosis Category
Select P, highlight a category, and click the Delete button to Delete a Plan/Prognosis Category
Select P and click the Add button under Note to Add a Plan/Prognosis Category
Select P, highlight a Note, and click the Edit button to Edit a Plan/Prognosis Category
Select P, highlight a Note, and click the Delete button to Delete a Plan/Prognosis Category
Category Description and List Order:
Enter the Category Description
Arrange the category order by entering a number in the
List Order field.
Note: It is best to enter the order in groups of
10. This allows categories to be
inserted without changing existing list order numbers. 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
SOAP Note Description and List Order:
Enter the SOAP Note
Note: You can drag the right lower corner to expand the window. Each note can have a maximum of 400 characters.
Arrange the category order by entering a number in the
List Order field.
Note: It is best to enter the order in groups of
10. This allows notes to be
inserted without changing existing list order numbers. 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
Click the Savebutton to save
the note. Click Cancel to disregard.
Copy Notes button: Click the Copy Notes button to copy SOAP Notes and
Categories from one user to another.
From: Select the User from the drop down list to copy notes from
To: Select the User from the drop down list to copy notes to
What to copy:
Select Categories and Preconfigured Notes to copy everything
Select Categories Only to copy the categories. Quixote will not copy the preconfigure notes if this option is selected.
How to copy:
Overwrite (default) - Quixote will clear any existing data for the TO user and
copy the notes from the FROM user.
end result - the To User will have exactly the same notes as the From user.
Append - Preserves the existing date from the To user and adds the
notes from the From user.
The end result - the To User will have exactly the same notes as the From user in addition to
what they already had before the copy.
Copy Button: Click the copy button to perform the selected action
Cancel Button: Click the cancel button to cancel the seleted action
Close Button: Click the close button when finished.